A man and a boy in foster care sitting on a couch.

Right now, there are over 6,000 children in West Virginia in foster care.

Countless more are still waiting to find a stable home.

A teen girl in foster care blows out candles on a birthday cake with her foster parents.
A girl in foster care waits for the bus with her foster mom.

Foster parents are urgently needed in every part of the state.

Most often, a child will enter foster care after experiencing abuse or neglect. It’s a temporary arrangement as plans for the child’s future are worked out. By opening your home for even a short period of time, you can make an enormous impact in the course of their life. 

Mission West Virginia will support you in your journey of becoming a foster parent—from connecting with an agency, to getting trained and certified, to welcoming a foster child through your doors for the very first time.

Our Coalition