Take it From a Foster Parent 84 Agency Take it From a Foster Parent 84 Agency

People often say I’m doing something special by fostering siblings, but the truth is, these kids have done more for me than I could ever do for them.

They’ve changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. For kids entering foster care, being separated from their siblings adds another layer of trauma to an already overwhelming situation. Providing a safe place for them to stay together has a profound impact on their well-being. Getting the chance to help them, and watch them grow is a privilege.

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Take it From a Foster Parent 84 Agency Take it From a Foster Parent 84 Agency

Being there for a teenager in foster care can make a big difference in shaping their future.

I get to be a form of stability for them at a time when everything else feels uncertain. It can be something small, like a conversation over dinner or trying to help with homework; they know they can count on me. It’s about being a dependable source of support, a safe place to turn to, and offering guidance and encouragement when things get tough.

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Take it From a Foster Parent 84 Agency Take it From a Foster Parent 84 Agency

Every child we’ve fostered has left a mark on our hearts that will never fade. They’ve taught us more about love, resilience, and the true meaning of family than we ever thought possible.

As foster parents, it's our responsibility to create a nurturing environment where they can lean on us for support, share their fears and dreams, and grow. Our job is offering them a sense of belonging and continuity that is essential for their emotional well-being.

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Take it From a Foster Parent 84 Agency Take it From a Foster Parent 84 Agency

One of the biggest moments in my journey as a foster parent was when my first foster child finally opened up.

He came to us withdrawn, but slowly over breakfast every day, he started to open up. The turning point came one morning as we ate cereal; he confided in me about a tough memory. Tears welled up in his eyes, and I listened without judgment. In that moment, I saw the power of fostering—not just to provide shelter, but to offer hope. No matter where his journey takes him, he’ll always have a place in our home and in our hearts.

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Seeing the smile on a child’s face when they realize they’re finally safe—that’s what makes all the challenges of foster parenting fade away.

When a child first arrives in our care, they often come with a sense of uncertainty and fear. They may have experienced trauma or instability, leaving them feeling vulnerable and alone. As foster parents, our role is to provide them with a safe and nurturing environment where they can begin to heal. Our job is to listen, comfort, and help them feel seen and valued.

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